P-04-362 Ambulance Services in Monmouth

Petition wording:

We believe that Monmouth should be granted the appropriate ambulance provision. With its population set to rise, and the Minor Injuries Unit at Monnow Vale recently closed down, demand will increase for the ambulance service.

National Assembly for Wales:
We request the Health and Social Committee of the National Assembly to undertake a scrutiny inquiry into the ambulance service in rural Wales. We would urge the Committee to investigate the particular problems in Monmouth and the impact of the closure of the Monnow Vale Minor Injuries Unit on the ambulance service.

Welsh Government:
We urge the Minister for Health and social Care to use her powers to require the Wales NHS Ambulance Trust to provide a uniformly high standard of ambulance provision throughout Wales and especially rural areas such as Monmouthshire.

Welsh Ambulance NHS Trust:
We urge Welsh Ambulance NHS Trust to increase provision for Monmouth in real terms, with a high dependency unit and/or ambulance based within Monmouth town.

Petition raised by: Mathew Davies

Date petition first considered by Committee: 7 February 2012

Number of signatures:Approximately 450 signatures.